Watching people make fun of current affairs made me smarter
Posted today at Mother Jones and it made me laugh. I thought I was just avoiding the horrible inanity of American news, but it turns out I'm being educated too. Update! 18 April: I just took a short version of The Pew News IQ Quiz and scored 100% (albeit with only 9 questions.) I'm in the top 4%. Watch the Daily Show? You're Smart. Read Blogs or Watch FOX? Not So Much It's always a treat when studies come out that link how much individuals know with where they get their news. In the following tables, the percentage next to a media outlet's name represents the number of viewers of that outlet that can answer 15 of 23 questions about political and world affairs correctly. Not a particularly high bar. Daily Show/Colbert Report 54% Major Newspapers' Websites 54% NewsHour w/ Jim Lehrer 53% Bill O'Reilly 51% NPR 51% Rush Limbaugh 50% Those are the folks who did well. Here's the group that did just okay. Newsmagazines 48% Local Newspape...