
Showing posts from 2011

You've got to love Student Tracking

Extracted from an email exchange with a student today: Hello X, I was wondering why it has taken you until Week#13 to notice that there wasn't a grade recorded for you for an assignment submitted in Week#4, but your records have answered it for me. There isn't a grade for the assignment because you didn't do the assignment. BlackBoard records show that you accessed the site only once in the first four weeks (16 August) to download the unit outline. Up to the date of the Progress Report you hadn't accessed iLecture, or the Progress Report guidelines, or any other aspect of the unit. In the four teaching weeks up to 7 Oct, you were a little more active, spending less than five seconds on the Group Project pages, and accessing the tutorial for Week#6. In the final four weeks of classes, you accessed the Week#10 tutorial, and spent about two hours on Qualtrics. That may be more than some in the class, but I doubt it. To summarise, in more than three months, you have done t...