Ice Climbing!

click for photo album At last I attended the Ice Climbing course offered through the U. Calgary Outdoor Centre . Quite a day. First task was a wonderful walk through the King's Creek gorge off Highway 40, just before the gate where the highway is closed for the winter. The gorge is probably on 20 metres at its widest spot with very steep snowy slopes up either side. A beautiful creek runs through the gorge. It's mostly covered with ice and snow of course right now. Water on my boots quickly turned to ice and fixed my laces in place. About 20 minutes walk from the road we came to where a spring from high up the canyon had formed a huge ice butte - our learning site. Crampons are big steel spikes clipped to the boots. The purpose of the toe spikes is to grip the ice when kicked hard into the ice wall. The purpose of the heel spikes is to gouge pieces out of your calf muscles when you stumble on a slope. (I didn't succeed at that part, but I did ruin a go...