Reading Week
Reading Week is supposed to be a week for students to catch up with readings and to prepare for the meaty part of the semester. However, like Spring Break for the Americans, it is actually an opportunity to take a week off partying in Mexico, or Banff, or anywhere where there isn't a textbook.
Here's the result of an exchange I had with one clever student...
Hello Hume This is Kenneth H** from team stud (fist pump). Looking at my schedule for the up coming week I am not sure that I will have enough time to give the assignment a quality effort. I am currently working on a project for The Social Exchange (a student club here in Haskayne) that involves an awful lot of video filming and even more editing for a charity event that we are currently working on. Basically I am asking if I can have an extension until after reading week on the project. I tried to pop by today and discuss it in person to no avail, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me either by email, or at ***-****. Thank you very much. Cheers Kenneth H**
Hello Ken, I'd like to discuss the assignment at length at our first meeting back after the Reading Week, and I'd want to have marked all of the submissions before then. How about you submit on the Thursday of Reading Week: 22 Feb.? Hume
Hume: I can certainly try if that is what must be done, however, I must say that I will be in Mexico until that friday and the purpose of me asking for an extension is so that I can not only complete the project, but do so in a way that I will actually get something from it. If this can work for you then that will be ideal, if not I can have it to you whenever you need it. Cheers Kenneth H**
Hello Ken, Okay, so you can get something from the exercise... and so I can mark your paper before the class on Tuesday... How about you bring me your paper by Noon, Monday 26 Feb. And e-mail me a picture of you on the beach, reading a textbook. Have a good reading week. Hume
Thanks Hume, much appreciated
Ten days later...
Hume: Thank you so much for the extension, I had a lovely reading week, I am on my way up to drop off the assignment and here is a photo of me getting some work done with some girls I met who were nice enough to "tutor" me. Cheers Ken
