Another fantastic night at the Ironwood
Saturday was yet another fantastic night in Calgary. We started the evening with a simple but delicious meal chez Dennis & Robin, then primed with several beers, wine, and a solid shot of Absinthe, the three of us walked the long four blocks to the Ironwood Stage & Grill.

There we took up posts at the bar - the rest of the place was packed - to listen to legendary Canadian composer/ guitarist, Gaye DeLorme. To be honest, I hadn't heard of Gaye DeLorme before but it turns out that he has been nominated for Grammy awards several times and worked for a long time composing and producing music for Columbia Pictures. He is the inspiration for performers like Mark Knopfler and Stevie Ray Vaughn, creating tunes 15 years before these artists appropriated them and made them hits.
Gaye started the evening with a classical guitar style version of Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time that made me feel like I was listening to the music of Joe Pattane, an old friend of my father who has touched my life. He continued with three long sets through classical, jazz, and blues.
We chatted during a break and he talked a little of life in Los Angeles (He stayed there way too long and started going potty) and his life now, returning to regular sets in pubs in Vancouver and travelling. From the cover-charge at the Ironwood, the likely costs of an hotel and so on, he couldn't have been doing this gig for the money.
We had a great night.