Tired and dehydrated after a drive out to Aswan damn and to the Kiosk of Qirtassi which had to be moved 100 metres, piece by piece, to make way for the damn waters. Fabulous history surrounding the structure, which is in remarkable condition considering that this Roman-Egyption trading post (at least that not covered in sand for most of the last 2000 years) has been graffitied by all sorts of Coptic Christians from about 60AD who didn't like the pagan images, to French, German and English explorers and soldiers in the 18th and 19 centuries. But their lettering is copy-book.
Tomorrow up at 3:30am for a three-hour drive out to Abu Simbel. Armed convoy, just to be sure there's no trouble. Then back early afternoon in time to board a Falouca for two nights afloat on the Nile. So I probably won't be posting for another three days or so.